Temper overview

Alias Description
H111 Annealed and slightly strain-hardened (less than H11) during subsequent operations such as stretching or levelling.
H112 Slightly strain-hardened from working at an elevated temperature from a limited amount of cold work (mechanical property limits specified).
H114 Applies to embossed or patterned sheet or strip, fabricated from the corresponding Hxx temper.
H12 Strain-hardened - 1/4 hard
H14 Strain-hardened - 1/2 hard.
H16 Strain-hardened - 3/4 hard.
H18 Strain-hardened - 4/4 hard (fully hardened).
H19 Strain-hardened - extra hard.
H22 Strain-hardened and partially annealed - 1/4 hard.
H24 Strain-hardened and partially annealed - 1/2 hard.
H244 Applies to embossed or patterned sheet or strip, fabricated from the corresponding Hxx temper.
H32 Strain-hardened and stabilized - 1/4 hard.
H34 Strain-hardened and stabilized - 1/2 hard.
H42 Strain-hardened and painted or lacquered - 1/4 hard.
H44 Strain-hardened and painted or lacquered - 1/2 hard.
O Annealed - products achieving the required annealed properties after hot forming processes may be designated as O temper.
T1 Cooled from an elevated temperature shaping process and naturally aged.
T3 Solution heat-treated, cold worked and naturally aged.
T351 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 0.5% to 3% for sheet, 1.5% to 3% for plate, 1% to 3% for rolled or cold-finished rod and bar, 1% to 5% for hand or ring forging and rolled ring) and naturally aged. The products receive no further straightening after
T3510 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 1% to 3% for extruded rod, bar, shapes and tube, 0.5% to 3% for drawn tube) and naturally aged. The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T4 Solution heat-treated and naturally aged.
T451 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 0.5% to 3% for sheet, 1.5% to 3% for plate, 1% to 3% for rolled or cold-finished rod and bar, 1% to 5% for hand or ring forging and rolled ring) and naturally aged. The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T4511 Same as T4510 except that minor straightening is allowed after stretching to comply with standard tolerances.
T5 Cooled from an elavated temperature shaping process and then artificially aged.
T6 Solution heat-treated and then artificially aged.
T651 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 0.5% to 3% for sheet, 1.5% to 3% for plate, 1% to 3% for rolled or cold-finished rod and bar, 1% to 5% for hand or ring forging and rolled ring) and then artificially aged. The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T6510 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 1% to 3% for extruded rod, bar, shapes and tube, 0.5% to 3% for drawn tube) and then artificially overaged in order to achieve a good exfoliation corrosion resistance. The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T6511 Same as T6510 except that minor straightening is allowed after stretching to comply with standard tolerances.
T66 Solution heat-treated and then artificially aged - mechanical property level higher than T6 achieved through special control of the process (6000 series alloys).
T7 Solution heat-treated and then artificially overaged.
T73 Solution heat-treated and then artificially overaged in order to achieve the best stress corrosion resistance.
T7351 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 0.5% to 3% for sheet, 1.5% to 3% for plate, 1% to 3% for rolled or cold-finished rod and bar, 1% to 5% for hand or ring forging and rolled ring) and then artificially overaged in order to achieve the best stress corrosion resistance. The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T7451 Solution heat-treated, stress-relieved by controlled stretching (permanent set 0.5% to 3% for sheet, 1.5% to 3% for plate, 1% to 3% for rolled or cold-finished rod and bar, 1% to 5% for hand or ring forging and rolled ring) and then artificially overaged (between T73 and T76). The products receive no further straightening after stretching.
T8 Solution heat-treated, cold worked and then artificially aged.
T9 Solution heat-treated, artificially aged and then cold worked.

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