Corrosion of stainless steel

ISO 9223 provides a general guideline for corrosion classes in relation to stainless steel. Please consult us for specific guidance before starting a project.

Corrosivity category Corrosivity Typical indoor environments Typical outdoor environments Alloys
C1 Very low Offices, schools and museums. Certain deserts, Central Arctic and Antarctica. 


C2  Low Storage rooms/premises and sport halls. Rural areas and small towns, deserts and subarctic regions. 430/4016
Duplex 2101
C3  Medium Food processing plants, laundries, breweries and dairies. Urban areas and a few coastal areas with low effect from the sea.
Subtropical and tropical zones with low pollution in the atmosphere.
Duplex 2205
C4  High Industrial processing plants and swimming pools*.  Contaminated urban areas, industrial areas, certain coastal areas, areas exposed to strong de-icing salts.
Subtropical and tropical zone, atmosphere with medium pollution. 

Duplex 2507

C5  Very high Mines, caverns for industrial purposes, unventilated sheds in subtropical and tropical zones. Industrial areas, coastal areas in general, sheltered positions on coastlines. 904L/4539
254 SMO
Duplex 2507
CX  Extreme Unventilated sheds/buildings in humid tropical zones exposed to outdoor factors to an extent that is particularly corrosion-stimulating. Extreme industrial areas, coastal and offshore areas, areas often exposed to contact with salts. 254 SMO
Duplex 2507