Alumeco launches whistleblower scheme
The Alumeco Group has launched a whistleblower scheme to increase transparency across the company and minimise the risk of unlawful or unethical behaviour in any part of the company.
The whistleblower scheme enables employees, suppliers and business partners to report concerns and suspicions about irregularities or violations of rules, if they are committed by anyone employed in the Alumeco Group, management in Alumeco Group, or our suppliers.

What can be reported under the whistleblower scheme
The whistleblower scheme covers breaches of the law or severe breaches of internal policies and guidelines in Alumeco. It can also cover serious workplace conflicts such as severe bullying, harassment, violence or discrimination.
The scheme does not cover HR matters such as minor breaches of internal guidelines, minor internal conflicts or complaints about other employees’ behaviour.
Who can use the whistleblower scheme
The scheme can be used by current or former employees, suppliers, and business partners.
The scheme is operated by an external third party, PwC, an independent audit, tax and advisory firm. PwC receives reports on behalf of Alumeco to ensure an independent and anonymous channel.
How to report
We strongly encourage you to speak up if you suspect or witness any matters of concern. Alumeco will take all reports made under our whistleblower scheme seriously.
Read more on how to report here.